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Our Governors


Lee Hilton-Brammer, Chair of Governors (Local Authority)

  • Date Appointed: 11.01.08

  • Appointed by: Governing Body

  • Term of Office  4 years -  19.03.23 to 19.03.27

  • Business, Personal and Pecuniary Interests:  Works for Twinkl, who the school subscribes to their educational resources.

  • Any material interests arising from relationships between governors and school staff (including spouses, partners and close relatives): None

  • Meetings attended in the last academic year: 100%


More about Lee

What made you want to be a governor?

I started my career working in Primary & Secondary School admin and business management before moving into the private sector. My work is still heavily connected with education, and it’s always something I have been passionate about. 

How long have you been involved in WCM?

Since the beginning, I was made Chair of the shadow Governing Body very early on when the decision was made to close the two local Infant Schools and one Junior School to open our very special Primary School, so I was part of Watercliffe before it even had a name, building, children and staff. 

What is your connection to WCM?

I was previously Chair of Governors at one of the Infant Schools, Watermead, before the school closed and WCM opened. I have a strong commitment to the community and the school. For a short period of time due to my work at the time, I had to step down as Chair but I was still involved, but there is something so special about the school which just pulls you in.

What do you love most about WCM?

The shared passion that each and every person has for the children and for making a difference to their lives. We were very clear from the beginning before the school opened that every decision we made, no matter how difficult, would be about the children and that is something that always has been the foundation of our school and still happens each and every day

Tell us a bit about yourself – what do you do?  What are your personal interests?

I am Chief Commercial Officer at a global online publishing house and lead the company’s Global Collective, so I get the privilege to work with people from all across the world who support educators on a daily basis. I am daddy to our two amazing children and dog daddy to our Labrador, Belle. I love musical theatre and am part of a local musical theatre society. 


Margaret Anderson, Vice-Chair of Governors (Co-opted)

  • Date Appointed: 06.11.13

  • Appointed by: Governing Body

  • Term of Office: 4 years - 19.03.21 to 19.03.25

  • Business, Personal and Pecuniary Interests:  None

  • Any material interests arising from relationships between governors and school staff (including spouses, partners and close relatives): None

  • Meetings attended in the last academic year:  83%

More about Margaret

What made you want to be a governor?

I wanted to be a governor because I know how important excellent early provision is to the life chances of children.

How long have you been involved in WCM?

I have been a co-opted governor at Watercliffe Meadow since 2014, following my retirement from Sheffield Educational Department.

What is your connection to WCM?

I've worked in Sheffield for the majority of my career in education and posts included class teacher, deputy head and head teacher. For a period of time, I worked as a school advisor for Sheffield and had strong links with the old Shirecliffe Junior, Busk Meadow Nursery and Watermead Infant Schools.

What do you love most about WCM?

When I visit the school, I am always impressed by the calm learning environment that has been created and the friendliness of the children and staff.

Tell us a bit about yourself - What do you do? What are your personal interests?

When not being a governor at Watercliffe Meadow, I enjoy being retired as I now have time to read, travel and see family and friends more often.


Jason Hutson, Governor (Co-opted)

  • Date Appointed: 01.12.11

  • Appointed by: Governing Body

  • Term of Office: 4 years - 03.11.23 to 02.11.27

  • Business, Personal and Pecuniary Interests:  None

  • Any material interests arising from relationships between governors and school staff (including spouses, partners and close relatives): Wife Sarah works in the office; Sister-in-law Claire Bradley is Head of School; Neice Eleanor Bradley is a Casual Teaching Assistant.

  • Meetings attended in the last academic year:  92%

More about Jason

What made you want to be a governor?

To be able to give something back that would be positive both to my child’s education and the community as a whole.

How long have you been involved in WCM?

Since 2010.

What is your connection to WCM?

My two children previously attended the school. My wife, Sarah, works in the office.

What do you love most about WCM?

The atmosphere which is created by the positive culture within school. Children are always put first, every child does matter and opportunities for children to learn new life skills and become good citizens are endless.

Tell us a bit about yourself - What do you do? What are your personal interests?

I am Quality Manager at a Chemical Manufacturing company based in Rotherham. As well as Quality Control, this role also includes exposure to other areas, particularly Safety, Health and Environment, as well as auditing production to international standards.

Out of work, I enjoy sport and have played field hockey for many years. I also enjoy travelling and nature. Over the years, I have been fortunate to visit countries on my bucket list such as, USA, Thailand and Australia. More locally, I like walking in rural areas with the Northumberland Coast and Yorkshire Dales being particular favourites.


Cathy Baker, Governor (Parent)

  • Date Appointed: 09.11.22

  • Appointed by: Parent Vote

  • Term of Office  4 years -  09.11.22 to 08.11.26

  • Business, Personal and Pecuniary Interests: None

  • Any material interests arising from relationships between governors and school staff (including spouses, partners and close relatives):  None

  • Meetings attended in the last academic year:  20%

More about Cathy

What made you want to be a governor?

WCM is such a fantastic learning environment and both my boys love attending. I wanted to give back and help support the staff and pupils any way I could.

How long have you been involved in WCM?

Since March 2023.

What is your connection to WCM?

My two beautiful boys attend WCM.

What do you love most about WCM?

How much WCM prioritises pupils' wellbeing, as well as education, involve families and the amazing staff.

Tell us a bit about yourself – what do you do?  What are your personal interests?

I work full time as a civil servant and I get to work flexibly and at home, which helps so much with having two young boys. I love my family and enjoy making memories with them. Next to my family, my biggest love is crochet. It relaxes me and I enjoy creating so many different things, from scarves to dinosaurs.


Caroline Cigala, Governor (Parent)

  • Date Appointed: 03.11.21

  • Appointed by: Parent vote

  • Term of Office  4 years -  03.11.21 to 02.11.25

  • Business, Personal and Pecuniary Interests: None

  • Any material interests arising from relationships between governors and school staff (including spouses, partners and close relatives): None

  • Meetings attended in the last academic year:  83%


More about Caroline


What made you want to be a governor?

To help to bridge the gap between teaching staff and parents.

How long have you been involved in WCM?

Since my oldest started school in 2020.

What is your connection to WCM?

My children both attend and I volunteer with the Friends of Watercliffe group.

What do you love most about WCM?

The school offers the best start for children, with amazing opportunities not available elsewhere and the teaching staff are so supportive of the children's needs.

Tell us a bit about yourself – what do you do?  What are your personal interests?

As well as being mum to 2 boys, I work helping others save money and give them the opportunity to have a proper work/life balance. I enjoy helping in school where possible and enjoy books, travel and movies in any spare time I get. I love to help others develop and be the best they can be, whether that's children or adults.


Nicola D'Arcy, Parent Governor

  • Date Appointed: 09.11.22
  • Appointed by: Parent Vote

  • Term of Office  4 years -  09.11.22 to 08.11.26

  • Business, Personal and Pecuniary Interests: None

  • Any material interests arising from relationships between governors and school staff (including spouses, partners and close relatives): None

  • Meetings attended in the last academic year:  17%

More about Nicola

What made you want to be a governor?

I care about the community and the children coming into our future.

How long have you been involved in WCM?

I started volunteering helping in nursery, and I’m now a part of the catering team.

What is your connection to WCM?

All my children have attended WCM .

What do you love most about WCM?

I love how WCM goes above and beyond to make sure every child has the tools they need to succeed for the future.

Tell us a bit about yourself - What do you do? What are your personal interests?

I love spending time with my family; I do lots of crafts in my spare time, such as cross stitch and diamond art.


Chloe Mallinson, Governor (Parent)

  • Date Appointed: 06.11.24

  • Appointed by:  Parent Vote

  • Term of Office  4 years -  06.03.24 to 05.03.28

  • Business, Personal and Pecuniary Interests:  None

  • Any material interests arising from relationships between governors and school staff (including spouses, partners and close relatives): None

  • Meetings attended in the last academic year:  66%

More about Chloe

What made you want to be a governor?

I applied for the role of Parent Governor for Watercliffe Meadow as I admire the school's ethos and principles, and I have waited for this opportunity since my daughter started in nursery in October 2022. I have been incredibly impressed with the care she has received, and the progress she has been able to make. This school not only supports children, but also their families, with workshops, family support, and food parcels. These are things which make our school stand out against the others.

How long have you been involved in WCM?

My daughter started nursery at WCM in October 2022, and I began volunteering in March 2023.

What is your connection to WCM?

My connection is my daughter who attends nursery here, and will then start full time education here in September 2024.

What do you love most about WCM?

The school is very welcoming, community orientated and supportive to everyone. ‘The World Is Ours’ is something that is very important to me and I see this role as enabling me to help others achieve their own aspirations.

Tell us a bit about yourself - What do you do? What are your personal interests?

During my spare time I love spending time with my child making lots of memories and doing different activities as a family. I love crafts, doing craft projects and have recently been to my first ever concert.


Glynn Riches, Governor (Co-opted)

  • Date Appointed: 01.09.12 

  • Appointed by:  Governing Body

  • Term of Office  4 years -  08.06.22 to 07.06.26

  • Business, Personal and Pecuniary Interests:  None

  • Any material interests arising from relationships between governors and school staff (including spouses, partners and close relatives): None

  • Meetings attended in the last academic year: 100%

More about Glynn

What made you want to be a governor?

I was initially asked if I would like to become an associate governor by Mrs Kingdon (the former Headteacher). I was really enthusiastic about taking up this role, as I believe parents can have a positive input into how the school is run, and I feel that
staff and fellow governors at WCM really value and listen to our views. I have been fortunate to have also been a parent governor and I am now a co-opted governor.

How long have you been involved in WCM?

I have been involved with WCM since it opened, initially as a parent and since 2012 I have been a governor and a volunteer in school.

What is your connection to WCM?

I have had a son, two nephews and a grandson that attended WCM, and now have a role as a co-opted governor. I always look to support the school with residential visits, summer fetes, reading and writing monitoring and any other events. I have lived for the majority of my life in the community that WCM serves.

What do you love most about WCM?
For me, the thing I love the most about WCM is the family friendly, welcoming atmosphere. There always seem to be happy, smiling faces there and, from my own experiences, I have always found staff to be approachable, empathetic and supportive, not just to parents but, most importantly, to our children. I speak from personal experience, as a father of a child with initial Special Educational Needs who, with the support and encouragement he received at WCM, went on to thrive and has gone on to complete a degree course at university when he could have easily been allowed to ‘drift’ without relevant support in primary school.
Every child is treated as an individual at WCM, and given the best possible chance, support and encouragement to thrive.

Tell us a bit about yourself - What do you do? What are your personal interests?

Since completing a social work degree at university I have volunteered for a national charity that supports the elderly.
Much of my spare time is taken up with looking after my grandchildren and trying to support them and the rest of my family with various activities as they have amassively diverse variety of interests. I also like to watch my son and grandson play
rugby and I am a massive Sheffield United supporter. I also enjoy reading and going to places of interest, such as historic buildings (castles, churches etc) and like to go for walks in the countryside.


Ian Roberts, Governor (Local Authority)

  • Date Appointed: 11.11.08

  • Appointed by:  Governing Body

  • Term of Office  4 years - 03.11.23 to 02.11.27

  • Business, Personal and Pecuniary Interests:  None

  • Any material interests arising from relationships between governors and school staff (including spouses, partners and close relatives): None

  • Meetings attended in the last academic year:  86%

More about Ian

What made you want to be a governor?

Just to try and help.

How long have you been involved in WCM?

Since it opened.

What is your connection to WCM?

My children went to Busk Meadow and I started as governor there.

What do you love most about WCM?

The staff are so dedicated.

Tell us a bit about yourself – what do you do?  What are your personal interests?

I’m now retired; I was a restaurant manager before. I love football and support Wednesday.


Sarah Windle, Governor (Co-opted)

  • Date Appointed: 03.03.21

  • Appointed by:  Governing Body

  • Term of Office  4 years -  03.03.25 to 02.03.29

  • Business, Personal and Pecuniary Interests:  None

  • Any material interests arising from relationships between governors and school staff (including spouses, partners and close relatives): None

  • Meetings attended in the last academic year:  40%

More about Sarah

What made you want to be a governor?

To understand, serve and support the community. To help students to be the best they can be at primary school before we support them at secondary. To gain more understanding of governance and the primary sector in more depth.

How long have you been involved in WCM?

Since 2021.

What is your connection to WCM?

It is a school where lots of our pupils in year 7 come from.

What do you love most about WCM?

How every child matters to all staff. The love and support there is for staff, students and parents.

Tell us a bit about yourself - What do you do? What are your personal interests?

I'm Deputy Headteacher at Parkwood Academy. I love the theatre, music and books - basically anything arts related. I also love nature and animals. I have two teenage children and two cats called Molly and Joey.

Kerry Wiggington, Governor (Parent)

  • Date Appointed: 28.04.14

  • Appointed by:  Parent Vote

  • Term of Office  4 years - 09.11.22 to 08.11.26

  • Business, Personal and Pecuniary Interests:  None

  • Any material interests arising from relationships between governors and school staff (including spouses, partners and close relatives): None

  • Meetings attended in the last academic year:  83%

More about Kerry

What made you want to be a governor?

When my son started Watercliffe Meadow nursery, it was the most welcoming school I'd ever been in! I've always wanted to work with children and thought that being a governor would be a great place to start. It also meant that I could support my son and later my daughter in their education.

How long have you been involved in WCM?

Since 2012.

What is your connection to WCM?

Both of my children attended Watercliffe Meadow.

What do you love most about WCM?

I love that Watercliffe is like a big happy family! The open door policy is something you don't find in every school; if you have any questions or concerns about your children, there is always a member of staff that can offer you support.

Tell us a bit about yourself - What do you do? What are your personal interests?

After 12 years of volunteering as a parent at Watercliffe, I am now a teaching assistant! My journey at Watercliffe has given me so many opportunities to grow, I have gained lots of knowledge through various training opportunities and the amazing support from all the wonderful staff at Watercliffe. I love to read (when I get a chance) and spending as much time as I can with my growing children making memories!


Staff Governors and Associate Governors

Ian Read, Headteacher


  • Date Appointed: 18.11.08
  • Appointed by:  Governing Body

  • Business, Personal and Pecuniary Interests:  None

  • Any material interests arising from relationships between governors and school staff (including spouses, partners and close relatives): Wife Hilary Read works as a teacher and cousin Julie Smith works as part of the catering team

  • Meetings attended in the last academic year:  93%


More about Ian

What is your role at WCM?


What do you love most about WCM?

I love coming to work every day, even on hard days because I can see the difference that we’re making. I think there is something very special about the children and families in this community and I think we have an awesome staff who truly want the best for the children.

Tell us a bit about yourself - What do you do? What are your personal interests?

When I’m not working, I love spending time with my family Mrs Read and my 2 children Jack and Charlotte. They make me very happy. I guess they would also say that I love new gadgets and technology…which is true. I also love running and generally try to keep active and healthy as my job involves a lot of sitting in meetings!


Sue Bibby, Governor (Support Staff)

  • Date Appointed: 18.11.08

  • Appointed by:  Governing Body

  • Term of Office  4 years - 05.11.21 to 03.11.26

  • Business, Personal and Pecuniary Interests:  None

  • Any material interests arising from relationships between governors and school staff (including spouses, partners and close relatives): None

  • Meetings attended in the last academic year:  83%

More about Sue

What is your role at WCM?

Senior Attendance Officer and Front of House.

What do you love most about WCM?

I love that we are always here for our children and families.

Tell us a bit about yourself - What do you do? What are your personal interests?

I spend lots of time with my family. I like to swim, read and crochet.


Claire Bradley, Associate Governor

  • Date Appointed: 18.11.08

  • Appointed by: Governing Body

  • Term of Office: 4 years - 18.11.24 to 17.11.28

  • Business, Personal and Pecuniary Interests: None

  • Any material interests arising from relationships between governors and school staff (including spouses, partners and close relatives): My sister works in the office as an Admin Officer and my Brother-in- Law is chair of Finance and General Purposes group. My daughter is on the payroll for casual cover.

  • Meetings attended in the last academic year:  100%

More about Claire

What is your role at WCM?

Head of School.

What do you love most about WCM?

I love WCM because of all the energy and love you feel whenever you walk through the doors. The children, families and staff make it such a special place.

Tell us a bit about yourself - What do you do? What are your personal interests?

I love spending time with my family and enjoy weekends away in my caravan on the Yorkshire Coast. I like to sit and read and enjoy baking.


Diane Fenton, Observer

  • Date Appointed: 18.11.08

  • Appointed by: Governing Body

  • Term of Office: 4 years - 18.11.24 to 31.12.25

  • Business, Personal and Pecuniary Interests: None

  • Any material interests arising from relationships between governors and school staff (including spouses, partners and close relatives): None

  • Meetings attended in the last academic year:  66%


More about Diane

What is your role at WCM?

Nursery Teaching Assistant.

What do you love most about WCM?

The thing I love most about WCM is being able to meet the new nursery children and their families when I do the home visits and then see them settle in and become part of the Watercliffe Meadow family.

Tell us a bit about yourself - What do you do? What are your personal interests?

Outside school I like to go walking, dance and go to the theatre.

Kerry Heap, Governor (Teaching Staff)

  • Date Appointed: 18.11.08

  • Appointed by: Staff

  • Term of Office: 4 years - 19.03.23 to 18.03.27

  • Business, Personal and Pecuniary Interests: None

  • Any material interests arising from relationships between governors and school staff (including spouses, partners and close relatives): None

  • Meetings attended in the last academic year:  88%

More about Kerry

What is your role at WCM?

Assistant Headteacher and Teacher.

What do you love most about WCM?

The way that no two days are the same! The fact that every day you make a difference to someone.

Tell us a bit about yourself - What do you do? What are your personal interests?

Reading and cooking are my two real interests, apart from buying lots of shoes!


Gillie Lane, Associate Governor 

  • Date Appointed: 17.11.21
  • Appointed by:  Governing Body

  • Term of Office  4 years - 17.11.21 to 16.11.25

  • Business, Personal and Pecuniary Interests:  None

  • Any material interests arising from relationships between governors and school staff (including spouses, partners and close relatives): None

  • Meetings attended in the last academic year: 56%

More about Gillie

What is your role at WCM?

Assistant Headteacher and Teacher.

What do you love most about WCM?

Being part of the WCM family.

Tell us a bit about yourself - What do you do? What are your personal interests?

Travelling and spending time with friends.

Emma Wayper, Associate Governor 

  • Date Appointed: 13.11.20

  • Appointed by:  Governing Body

  • Term of Office  4 years - 13.11.24 to 12.11.28

  • Business, Personal and Pecuniary Interests:  None

  • Any material interests arising from relationships between governors and school staff (including spouses, partners and close relatives): None

  • Meetings attended in the last academic year:  100%

More about Emma

What is your role at WCM?

Assistant Headteacher and Teacher.

What do you love most about WCM?

There is something very special about Watercliffe that can't be described but you certainly feel it when you walk in! We are a big family who look out for each other, challenge each other, support each other and laugh together. There is not a day that I do not laugh when I am at Watercliffe Meadow (even on the tough days!) Our Watercliffe children are so proud of their school and each other, I love the way they celebrate each other's achievements.

Tell us a bit about yourself - What do you do? What are your personal interests?

My two girls keep me very busy - they have a very full list of hobbies and I love watching them progress and doing what they love! Out of school I love family time - we like to have Saturday night family movie night all snuggled on the sofa with popcorn! My absolute favourite thing to do though is to have lots of days out and go on holiday together - I love to make memories and love being in the sun!

Members of the Governing Body in the last 12 months
Vicky Helliwell, Vice- Chair of Governors (Co-opted)

  • Date Appointed: 22.03.23

  • Appointed by:  Governing Body

  • Term of Office: 22.03.23 to 21.03.27

  • Date of Leaving: 04.01.24

  • Business, Personal and Pecuniary Interests:  None

  • Any material interests arising from relationships between governors and school staff (including spouses, partners and close relatives: None

  • Meetings attended in the last academic year:  66




All Associate Governors do not have voting rights.