Friday Scores
Well, we have had a very diverse week. We have done reading, writing and maths all week. We are reading The Legend of Podkin One-Ear – the children are enjoying it and working well. In maths, we are focusing on money. Lots of children are finding this tricky. One of the issues is that, as a nation, people are using physical money less and less so the children don’t use it as much as earlier generations. If possible, and if you have any physical money at home, could you let the children experience coins etc. In our writing, we have written biographies on Sir David Attenborough. It has been amazing finding out lots about him and turning that information in to paragraphs.
We are starting to look at animation in our computing sessions. We started off old school by creating thaumatropes. We are looking at still life in our art sessions and creating our own impressions of them in our sketch books. In science, we are developing our skills on classifying animals: invertebrates and vertebrates are the key differences. We then worked our way down the vertebrates’ lineage to mammals, reptiles, fish, birds and amphibians.
We are continuing our swimming sessions: Oliver was chosen as swimmer of the week in Y4MB by the instructors. In PE with EVO, the children have been practising their rounders’ skills.
In Y4MB, in our Beat That: Halima, Cameron, Lexie, Caroline, Josh, Delan, Hamza and Lottie all scored their best this term!
In Y4KB, in our Beat That: Mariyah, Charlie, Girum, Muhammad, Oakley and Zayn all scored their best this term!
In our CLIC in Y4MB, Alice and Caroline both scored 12/12. Halima, Mani, Tyler, Lottie, Lydia and Niamh all scored 10 or above!
In our CLIC in Y4KB, Annabelle, Ronnie, Muhammad and Oakley all scored 12/12. Saoirse, Girum, Namah and Zayn all scored 10 or above!
Star of the week in Y4MB went to Tyler for all round amazing attitude and learning.
Postcard went to Lily Rose for brilliant attitude in maths.
Star of the week in Y4KB is Ronnie. Ronnie has been working really hard during learning this week and contributing a lot during lessons with brilliant ideas and taking part in class discussions.