This wet week!
The children amazed us. Again.
Despite the extremely wet weather at points, we have had a great week – and we didn’t even need to build an ark to make it through!
Parents Evening:
It has been so wonderful to have the opportunity to have had so many fantastic learning conversations. It was a delight to share how well your children have settled into year four. We are also so proud of all the learning they have been doing. Thank you for attending and thank you in advance for your support with all their individual targets!
Lantern Making:
On Saturday 19th October, the annual Parkwood Springs Lantern Procession takes place. The children were lucky enough to have Jane and Louise from the Friends of Parkwood Springs come in and teach us how to use willow to create shapes. Each of us created a beautiful butterfly wing that are going to be constructed and hung from the trees at Parkwood Springs, backed by fairy lights. If you are free from 5.45pm onwards for the procession, go along and see if you can spot their butterfly wing!
We are nearing the end of our first science topic of the term: States of Matter. Having recapped our knowledge of solids, liquids and gases we have also learnt about how heating and cooling can change those states. In our previous component, we learnt all about the water cycle. The children were able to use scientific terminology, such as evaporation, condensation and precipitation. They even drew the water cycle on their tables to show their understanding!
Star of the Week is for Alyssiah. She showed some brilliant knowledge about the Anglo-Saxons and how they originated in Britain; I was so proud of her.
The Learning Principle postcard is for Bobby. He has an excellent understanding of how the Romans leaving Britain impacted on the Anglo-Saxons settling here and can explain it clearly. Good ‘Making Links’!
Star of the Week is for Kamari for working hard in everything we have done and making sure he checked all of his writing for any improvements he could make.
The Learning Principle postcard was given to Antoni for focussing on his writing by making sure he knew his task and for keeping a positive attitude in all areas.
PE Star of the Week: This week, the PE star of the week is from Y4MB and is for Aklil for being a team player and making sure all teams were ‘equal’.
Y4GH: Our class average score is up on last week – which shows how hard we are all working. Bobby achieved the maximum scoring 12/12 again. Keep going, Bobby! Kenan, Bilal, Charlie, Harrison, Reon, Koby, Levia, Mia, Ashton, Sonny, Alyssiah, Kareem, Finn, Shayla, Jacob, Esmae T and Ellasu all beat or matched their previous highest score. Well done to all of you!
Y4MB: Darcie and Charlie were the top scorers, again, with an amazing 12/12. Aklil and Corey nearly got full marks with 11/12. Bayan, Olly, Oliver, Brogan, Ethan C, Oba, Romario, Naom, Lewis, Maisie, Antoni, Holly, Robyn, Muadh, Ethan SR and Ivy all beat or matched their previous highest score – what a set of results!
Beat That:
Y4GH: Our top scorer was Esmai again, with 29. These children improved or matched their last high score: Kenan, Kurt, Orlando, Reon, Koby, Jessica, Mia, Sonny, Alyssiah and Finn. Good job!
Y4MB: Our top scorer was Aklil with a cracking 37 – two more than last week, too! Amina, Noah, Corey, Oliver, Robyn and Ivy all stayed the same or beat their last score – fantastic work!