Y4's Week
Another busy week in Year 4
What a busy week we have had. In our writing, we wrote explanation texts about how volcanoes work. We did this together then we wrote our own piece about the water cycle. In maths, we have had a week consolidation: we looked back at some of our learning over the year to try to ‘master’ them.
In D & T, we finished our purses and wallets. The children really enjoyed this and most were very successful in creating their own.
Our PE continued on Monday with dance. We had our final swimming session and also a short game of rounders on Wednesday before the summer carnival.
Y4KB postcard went to Bobbie-Jo for just being a wonderful person in class and around school.
Y4MB’s postcard went to Tyler. He always makes careful choices in his writing and this has meant he has become an excellent writer.
In Beat That, Y4MB: Muiz, Josh and Niamh all scored their best this term. In addition, Lottie scored over 60. Well done!
In Beat That in Y4KB: Caleb, Jibreel, Anam, Noah, Johnny and Tegan all gained their highest score of the term. Well done!
In our CLIC in Y4MB:, Alice and Hamza both scored 12/12. JJ and Lottie both scored 11.
In CLIC in Y4KB: Libby, Saoirse, Caleb, Kadie, Charlie, Girum, Jibreel, Anabelle, Noah, Ronnie, Muhammad, Anayah, Corey and Tegan all scored 12. WOW! What an end to the year!!!