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This week in Y4: 20.05.24

This week in Y4:

In our writing sessions, we have been finishing off our reports about vertebrates We have had a real focus on using capital letters, full stops and trying hard to edit our own work. Today, we have written up our favourite two pieces of writing from the last two weeks ready to go in our university files!

In maths, we have finished off our topic of time. We have been converting between 12 hour and 24-hour time, both drawing hands on an analogue clock and writing the digital times. The children have worked really hard this week!

In our computing lessons, we made our own flipbooks using a simple stick man image. They looked really cool! We have really been trying hard with our times tables at the moment in preparation for the tests after half term. Please keep practising using the websites we gave you!

In our CLIC:

In Y4MB, Khalid, Cameron, Alexia and Mani all achieved their highest score. Hamza, Lottie and Caroline managed 12/12. It has been a great week!

In Y4 KB, we have had a really good week with a lot of children achieving their highest score so far. Well done to Daheen, Caleb and Johnny. We also had a number of children who gained full marks with 12/12: Saoirse, Kadie, Charlie, Girum, Anayah and Tegan.     

In our Beat That:

In Y4MB, all of these children scored their best ever score: Halima, Cameron, JJ, Bella, Jakob, Soumaya, Vinnie, Muiz, Aria, Niamh, Tyler, Izzy, Oliver, Delan, Lily, Lexi-Mae and Lydia. WOW!!! Lottie scored 58 and Caroline an amazing 72!!!!

In Y4 KB, achieved 20 or over: Tarika, Caleb, Mairyah, Charlie, Ronnie, Ayla, Namah, Anayah, Zayn and Tegan. A massive well done to Muhammad and Girum who both managed to score over 42! 50 and 46!


There were no postcards received this week as there has been no assembly because Mr Read and Mrs Bradley have been at Castleton with the Y6’s.