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17.05.24 Learning

What another amazing week it has been!

This week, we have progressed to the next stage of creating our 3D models based on the poems from Dirty Beasts. We have got tangled up in the web of time in maths and have been recapping our understanding of plants and flowers in our writing lessons.

In Y3GH, our Star of the Week is Kamari. He is such a positive boy and he works so hard in the classroom. Our learning principle postcard is for Oba, and is 'Enjoys Challenge' as he has really thrown himself into all aspects of his learning this week! Mr Barnes and Miss Wigginton also gave postcards of Learn Together for Aseel and Aklil for their amazing performance and assistance of others at ice skating.

In our Beat That tests, we had lots of children matching or beating their highest scores. These were Corey, Oliver, Brogan, Ethan C, Oba, Naom, Bryan, Maisie, Antoni, Holly, Darcie, Thanos, Muadh, Hannah, Ethan SR and Ivy. Aklil and Corey took on the two test challenge again and Naom got full marks. In our CLIC tests, 6 children scored 11/11: Aklil, Bryan, Charlie, Darcie, Robyn and Aseel. Ethan SR beat his previous score. Well done to all of you. 

Our 40+ readers list is now 10 strong and contains Amina, Aklil, Olly, Maisie, Darcie, Robyn, Thanos, Muadh, Ellie May and Ivy. Charlie, Naom, Bryan and Holly are not far behind! Keep up the hardwork everyone!

We had lots of badges to give out this week! Kareem got a Feel Proud badge because he should be so proud of the positive choices he has made towards the end of the week. Finn got a Feel Proud badge for overcoming his fear of Ice Skating and doing so well on Thursday. Narin and Olivia both earned a Learn Together badge for helping each other on the ice. Despite finding it tricky at the start, they really got the hang of it! 

Star of the Week in Y3SB goes to Ellasu, who despite having a tricky start to the week, has earned a full 12 minutes of golden time on Thursday and Friday. A massive improvement, so well done Ellasu!

In CLIC, we had 5 children get 11 this week. Well done to Archie, Jessica, Finn, Louie and Reon! Some personal bests scores from Esmae and Abdul too.

In Beat That, full marks were achieved by Bobby, Finn, Narin and Reon. Well done to you five. There were also some PBs this term from Calia, Kareem, Kenan, Louie, Mia, Sonny and Summer.

Esmai has burst into the lead for reading this term and is now on holiday, so I wonder if anyone can catch her? Reon, Harrison and Archie are not far behind her, so keep reading Y3!

Have a lovely weekend everyone and see you on Monday!