Y3 Learning Superstars

Here are your learning superstars for the week beginning 20th January.
CLIC Y3SB – There were 11s for Evelina, Ava C and Junior. Super work! 10s for Arayah, Noor and Shatw.
Beat That Y3SB- There were personal bests for Darcie, Tassie and Shatw. The first week Tassie has managed to get onto the second test, so a special shout out for her!
CLIC Y3KB – 11s for all of these children: Rayyan, Rakaan, Savannah, Hakimah, Kairo, Matin, Tayyib, Blake, Jameel, Dolly and Ava. What a great week! 10s for Leela, Ezmae and Alisa.
Beat That Y3KB – Rayaan and Dolly both managed to get onto the second sheet. Leela, Levi, Ethan, Matin and Rayaan all managed a new high score too!
Y3SB- Value Being Special – Goes to Hamza as a reminder for how much of a legend he is! He will always try to do the right thing and he is loving his learning at the moment. Well done Hamza!
Y3KB- Reflect and Share – Goes to Dolly for being an amazing learner and using vocabulary learnt in our guided reading sessions in her own writing.
Star of the Week:
Y3SB – Luther for being a great example of how you talk and treat to others. He really is a great friend to have!
Y3KB – Odain for always trying to make the right choices and getting on with his learning.
PE Star of the week to Darcie for always trying her best in PE. It is clear she really enjoys PE, she just needs to remember to bring her kit from now on!
Weekly reads:
Evelina is leading the way for number of reads in Y3SB and is only 6 away from the magic 40. There were only 11 children who recorded a read last week however.
In Y3KB, we have also only had 11 children read this week, but only 6 of those managed 4 reads or more.
In both classes, it would be greatly appreciated if you could encourage your children to read as much as possible at home. It is the BEST way to enhance their learning.