This week in Y3!
Well done to everybody for your efforts this week (especially with the terrible weather!) We have had a really productive week this week and the children have been fantastic.
Remember it is our visit to Weston Park Museum next Wednesday!
Here are some of the scores for this week. Super effort from everybody!
CLIC Y3SB – There were first 11s of the term for Hamza, Arayah, Zainab, Junior, Harrison, Shatw and Maryam, well done! Super work! 10s for Evelina, Grace and Ava.
Beat That Y3SB- Evelina managed a new high score of 40 and Shatw and got 24.Junior got 23 and Tassie got 22, so some amazing scores from lots of children.
CLIC Y3KB – Well done to Ezmae, Blake and Dolly who all scored 11s this week. Brilliant effort well done! 10s for Jameel, Tayyib, Matin, Rayaan, Rakaan, Savannah and Odain. Great effort guys!
Beat That Y3KB- Jameel, Dolly and Rayaan all scored over 20. Well done to Rakaan who achieved a fantastic score of 36. Well done!
Y3SB- Value Being Special – Goes to Joey for having an amazing first week back. We are so glad to have you back in class!
Y3KB- Feel Proud– Goes to Sufyan for working really hard this week and having a great first week back. He has produced some great work and is really taking his time with his answers.
Star of the Week:
Y3SB – Darcey for being an amazing worker this week. She has tried her hardest to make sure her learning is at the best it could be! Well done!
Y3KB – Ava for producing some brilliant sentences this week in her writing. She has made some brilliant vocabulary choices and produced some brilliant independent learning!
PE Star of the week to Kyra for trying some new things in yoga. She gave her all at performing some new yoga poses.