Y3 Learning Superstars

Here are some of the Y3 learning superstars from the week beginning 16/09/2024.
CLIC Y3SB - No 11s this week as Mr Barnes gave a bit less support to challenge the children. Junior and Ronnie both scored 9 this week.
CLIC Y3KB - Levi got the high score this week with 8, but there were improvements from Ezmae and Poppy.
Beat That Y3SB- Evelina has managed to score the first full marks in Y3, that's 24/24! Well done Evelina! There were improvements from Harriett, Ava, Ava C, Thleyah, Zainab, Olivia, Kyra, Shatw, Junior and Grace.
Beat That Y3KB- Rakaan and Jameel both scored the highest score this week which was 13, whereas Malik scored 12. Ezmae, Blake, Matin, Savannah, Odain and Parker all beat their score.
Y3SB- Reflect and Share - went to Amina and Olivia for creating some excellent home learning pieces over the last week or so. Some great posters and 3D models of Stonehenge!
Y3KB- Enjoy Challenge - went to Odain this week for always giving everything a go. Keep working hard Odain!
Star of the Week :
Will be selected on Monday in both classes.
P.E. Star of the Week: Blake in Y3KB. She has shown some excellent partner work and helped others who might have found gymnastics tough!
Weekly reads:
Please keep reading up to 4 times a week at home. Mr Barnes' class will have reads recorded on Monday.