Spring 1 Newsletters
You can find our Y1 Spring Newsletter here!
Please check in regularly to see what we've been up to and to keep updated.
You can always speak to us about any questions or concerns. You can also contact us by email on y1@watercliffe.sheffield.sch.uk
You can find our Y1 Spring Newsletter here!
This week in Y1 we have been learning all about Antarctica and the Arctic.
Well done Umaiza for making links in our R.E. learning. You could talk about the similarities and differences between the different religions we have learnt about.
Well done Heidi A. We are so proud of how hard you are working in class.
Well done Sky for working hard to move in different ways in our gymnastics lesson. You worked so hard.
Well done Roman, you have earned your making careful choices badge.
Well done JJ, you are our PE star this week.
Well done Luna for Counting in 2s, 5s and 10s to get your Rocket Badge.
Well done Hunter for Counting in 2s, 5s and 10s to get your Rocket Badge.
Well Done Leo for always being positive in all of your learning.
We had lots of fun in the snow on Monday.
In History we started our communication topic. We looked at different artefacts and discussed the importance of communication.
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