The decision to have a school uniform and P.E. kit was made by our whole school community including parents/carers, staff in the school and the children.
• All pupils must wear a sweatshirt, cardigan or fleece that is embroidered with the Watercliffe Meadow logo.
• Polo Shirts can be either sky blue or royal blue and these can be worn with or without the school logo
• PLAIN black or grey trousers, tracksuit bottoms, shorts, pinafore or skirt (no denim)
• Sensible shoes
• Girls can wear a blue gingham dress in the summer.
It is important to put your child’s name on all of their clothes – with almost 500 children in school it is very difficult to identify lost clothing if it has no name on it!
Uniform can be ordered directly with our suppliers click here.
Indoor Shoes
Because our school is carpeted throughout and we have 500 children using our school every day, children will be expected to change into some indoor shoes when they go into their classrooms. These can either be plimsolls, a pair of flat full slippers or flat sandals.
PE Kit
All children must bring a PE Kit into which they will change into for PE lessons and lunchtime/after school clubs. This is really important for reasons of hygiene. Our PE kit is very simple: • Plain black shorts • Plain white t.shirt, with or without our school logo • Children must have appropriate footwear for outdoor PE – plimsolls or trainers • Plain black leggings or tracksuit bottoms for outdoor PE • Plain sweatshirt /tracksuit top for outdoor lessons
We operate a no jewellery policy with the exception of one pair of stud earrings which your child needs to be able to remove for PE. If your child is planning to have their ears pierced, please do this at the beginning of the summer holidays, so they have time to settle down before the new term begins.

Pre-loved Uniform
We are very lucky to have our own pre-loved uniform 'shop' in the cabin outside the main entrance to school. Please pop in if you have any items of school uniform to donate that are in good condition, or if you would like to buy.
We think this is a great way to keep the cost of uniform as low as possible, plus we can do our bit to towards being greener.
Price List
One item of Uniform 50p
Fleece £2
Shoes £2
Pimsols £1
Lost Property

Any unnamed items that are found in school will be placed in our lost property area, which is in the foyer of our main entrance.
You are welcome to check this area if your child has lost something.