Car Park Closure
Car Park Closure - 17.01.25
There will be changes to access to the car park on the Longley Avenue West side of school. The purpose of this car park was to provide a drive through drop off point for children and families. Cars were supposed to stop briefly while children exited to walk into school. Unfortunately this is not happening.
Over the last 2 weeks we have had a number of situations of cars blocking the road and adults arguing. This behaviour, especially on school grounds with children around, has been inappropriate and has also created increased danger for our children that we feel we need to do something about.
Therefore, for a trial period up to February half term, we will be shutting the car park gates every morning and evening (drop off and pick up).
Please park safely and in a considerate manner on the roads around school.
If you wish to discuss this, please make an appointment to see Claire Bradley or Ian Read.