Scores in Y4!
What a wonderful week in Y4. We continued our exploration of Parkwood Springs: We found lots of positives and things to improve it. We continued with money and even had our own shop! In Writing, we have started writing about invertebrates. We have had a cool swimming session and a hot PE session. Our science sessions continue to link to our writing sessions – we are still classifying.
In Y4MB, these children have improved in their Beat That to their highest score this term (or scored over 42): Bella, Alice, Soumaya, Caroline, Jakob, Sophia Oliver, Lily-Rose, Lydia, Lottie and Miah.
In Y4KB, these children have improved in their Beat That to their highest score this term (or scored over 42): Paightyn, Mariyah, Girum (52!), Annabelle, Ronnie and Anayah.
In Y4MB, a lot of the children struggled with spelling this week: Halima, Tyler, Lily and Lottie all scored 10/10. These children scored their best this term: Delan, Josh and Muiz.
In Y4KB, a lot of the children struggled with spelling this week: Tarika, Kadie, Girum, Ronnie, Namah, Naza, Oakley and Zayn all scored full marks. These children scored their best this term: Paightyn and Muaz.
Our CLIC scores were varied too. Lottie scored 12/12. Vinnie had a great improvement from 6 to 10/12.
In Y4KB, Annabelle and Girum both scored 12/12 well done! Anayah improved her score this week with 11/12!
Our postcard went to Sophia for enjoying the challenge of every lesson and not being afraid of being wrong!
Our postcard in Y4KB was given to Ayla. This is for her being curious in lessons by asking questions and contributing to class discussions.