10th January
What a crazy snow-filled week
This week’s weather has been super challenging for travel and we are so proud of everyone for making such an effort to get here and then working really hard when they got here.
We have started our first component of the new year, electricity. The children learnt about mains electricity and batteries as energy sources for a range of appliances. They categorised the output of the appliances, such as heat, movement or things like sound. We also learnt about the dangers of electricity and how to avoid these.
This week is a continuation of multiplication and division and we have been using place value grids to multiply by 10 and 100. The accuracy of all the children has been absolutely amazing and they have flown through all different levels of challenge within the objectives. This should also really help them with their CLIC test questions.
Another subject where the children are excelling is their use of inverted commas for speech. We have been using a Viking Adventure book to create dialogue. The children will be more independent next week with the skills they have been revising, but they are doing brilliantly so far!
Community Bus:
We continued our bus project this week. The children had to come up with places (real or imaginary) that they would like to visit on our bus. They then created a 2D or 3D version on paper of their place.
Star of the Week is for Harrison. He has worked really hard since returning back from Christmas. He has been a brilliant member of the class!
The Learning Principle postcard is for Louie and is Be Positive. Since returning back after Christmas he has been super-focussed on all his learning, and in such a positive manner.
The Learning Principle (Reflect and Share) postcard was given to Hannah. She has done a lot of reflecting on her learning and she has shared with others her knowledge and theirs.
Star of the Week is for Robyn. She has worked well all week: especially in her writing. She is a little superstar.
PE Star of the Week: This week, the PE star of the week is Ethan Craine from Y4MB. He has fully engaged in all the PE lessons for this week, positively in both pairs and independently. He showed great enthusiasm!
CLIC, Beat That and Spellings:
With the inclement weather and the Christmas Break, we will be reporting on the scores for these next week.