13.12.24 A week's learning in Y4
A bit more information about our penultimate autumn term week in Y4.
I know we keep saying it but it is true – it has been another fantastic week and the children have been doing absolutely amazing learning!
Even though we have officially finished our science unit on sound, we don’t like to leave any stones unturned so we planned a whole-class reteach session to ensure all children understood how sound can be changed. We used images and vocabulary cards to recap our understanding of pitch and sound – and then finished with a mini-quiz.
Design and Technology:
This has been our final components of design and technology. We have created our own shell structures to meet the design criteria and have even evaluated them! We were unbelievably successful and each and every child worked so hard to combine their maths skills of shape, as well as typography and construction. We can’t wait for you to see them!
As it is nearly the end of term, our history unit has also finished. We have learnt about the Anglo-Saxon and Viking struggle. We could not believe after so many years of peace and then long, drawn-out battles that the Anglo-Saxons finally won; just to then be invaded by the Normans! We used atlases to identify the originating country for trade items found in York (known by the Vikings then as Jorvik).
Star of the Week is for Mia. She is just an amazing hard worker and so smiley; it is a joy to be around her!
The Learning Principle postcard is for Levia and is Enjoy Challenge. Levia has produced some sensational writing and her sentence structure and vocabulary choices are brilliant. She has also met the challenge of written work in her history lessons too. Well done Levia!
PE Star of the Week: This week, the PE star of the week is Kurt from Y4GH. He works really hard in all PE lessons, and always follows the instructions and keeps to the rules of the games.
The Learning Principle (Make Links) postcard was given to Maisie. She has realised that the small building blocks (nouns, verbs etc) help create brilliant buildings (pieces of writing).
Star of the Week is for Oliver B. He has had a tricky week but he has kept on smiling and trying to produce his best learning. Well done Oliver.
Y4GH: It has been another fantastic week for CLIC! 8 children got full marks! Well done to Abdul,
Reon, Bobby, Jessica, Sonny, Finn, Olivia and Archie. Charlie, Orlando, Esmai, Ashton, Narin and Esmae all scored over 9. What another fantastic week!
Y4MB: Aklil, Charlie, Darcie and Ivy got full marks in CLIC – fantastic! These children did brilliantly and scored 9 or above: Bayan, Corey, Kamari, Maisie and Robyn.
Beat That:
Y4GH: Our top scorer was Archie with 34: fantastic work! Abdul, Bobby, Ashton, Alyssiah, Narin, Kareem, Shayla and Ellasu all scored their top score for this half term.
Y4MB: Our top scorer was Aklil with 59 – wowzas! Amina, Bayan, Olly, Noah, Oliver, Kamari, Romario, Charlie, Maisie, Darcie, Thanos, Muadh, Ivy and Fasiha all scored their highest score this half term!
Y4GH: Kenan, Orlando, Reon, Esmai, Layla, Narin, Finn, Olivia and Archie all scored full marks this week. Bobby and Sonny both scored 9, so a big well done to them too.
Y4MB: Seven children scored full marks today: Bayan, Aklil, Corey, Kamari, Maisie, Darcie and Muadh – great stuff! Amina, Lewis and Ivy were super close with 9/10.