Halfway through the first half term! 27th Sept
What another wonderful week!
We are now half way through the first half term – it is so exciting!
If you had seen us in science this week, you would be forgiven for thinking we’d all gone a little crazy! We were blowing our warm breath onto the cold windows of the balcony to show how condensation and evaporation works. We had great fun and it helped us understand the scientific process. We also looked at how fast water evaporated from the floor when we tipped a cup of water out there, and that the inside of a balloon was wet when popped, as the water vapour had condensed.
This was our final week on place value, before we move onto a consolidation week. We ordered 4-digit numbers in groups. In Big Maths we learnt Roman numerals – it is confusing but we’re starting to find the rhythm of how they work.
We are still working on our basic skills and have been overlearning opening and saving documents, as well as using search engines to find relevant images of an artist.
In this week’s lesson of gymnastics, we executed four different rolls: straight roll, barrel roll, straddle roll and the forward roll. We thought hard about our tension and shape in order to complete them. There were so many proud smiles in the room!
Star of the Week is for Levia. She has been so smiley and happy every day, and tries really hard in all her learning.
The Learning Principle postcard is for Harrison. He has made such an effort to take care in all his learning, so definitely deserves the Making Careful Choices postcard.
Star of the Week is Lily-Rose because she has worked hard all week with a lovely smile on her face!
The Learning Principle postcard (Enjoy Challenge) is for Aklil and Corey. They have worked hard, practised lots and passed their XTables!!!! Well done.
PE Star of the Week: This week, the PE star of the week is from Y4MB and is for Darcie for excellent communication and a positive attitude.
Y4GH: Archie achieved the maximum again scoring 12/12. Keep it up Archie! Charlie, Summer, Koby and Levia all scored the best they have scored this term.
Y4MB: Darcie was the top scorer with a wonderful 11/12. Well done Darcie! Noah, Brogan, Naom, Maisie and Muadh all scored the best they have scored this term.
Beat That:
Y4GH: Our top scorer was: Esmai with 27. These children either beat last week’s score or scored over 20: Bobby, Charlie, Orlando, Reon, Jessica, Ashton, Sonny and Shayla-Lea.
Y4MB: Our top scorer was: Charlie with 31. These children either beat last week’s score or scored 20 or over: Aklil, Corey, Darcie, Noah, Oliver, Maisie, Robyn and Ethan SR.
Y4GH: Lots scored the maximum this week – well done to – Summer, Orlando, Esmai, Bobby, Layla, Jessica, Mia, Sonny, Finn, Olivia and Archie.
Y4MB: Lots scored the maximum this week – well done to – Bayan, Aklil, Naom, Darcie and Muadh.