This week in Y4 14.06.24
This week in Y4:
In our writing sessions, we have recapped modal verbs and conjunctions and now started to write sentences using these techniques focussing on how we can improve areas around school (some silly ones). Some children have even written about wanting to change the MUGA into an outside swimming pool!
In maths, we have started to go into more detail on the different types of 2D shapes. This week, we have looked at quadrilaterals and polygons, with a focus on their properties: sides, corners and angles.
Some children have completed their official multiplication times tables test this week. If you haven’t already, then you have extra time to practice!
In geography, we have looked at OS map symbols and started to learn how to find these symbols on a map using Eastings and Northings coordinates.
We also had our sports day this week which the children were all fantastic at. It was a brilliant afternoon with lots of tired children at the end of it!
In our CLIC:
In Y4MB, Alice, Hamza and Caroline all scored the maximum 12. JJ, Jakob and Lottie scored 11.
In Y4 KB, Well done to Noah for gaining full marks and Libby who scored 12/12 for the first time! Saoirse, Charlie, Girum, Muhammad ans Zayn all scored 11.
In our Beat That:
In Y4MB, Lottie scored 43 and Caroline 63. These children scored their best ever score - Paige, Alexia, Lexie, Sofia and Miah scored their best ever scores.
In Y4 KB, all of these children scored 20 or over: Saoirse, Tarika, Caleb, Mariyah, Charlie, Ronnie, Ayla and Tegan Well done to Muhammad and Girum who scored 42 or over.
In our Spelling:
Spelling in Y4MB: Soumaya, Lili-Rose and Lottie scored 10/10. Lydia and Tyler both scored 9/10.
Spelling in Y4KB: Mariyah and Naza both scored 10/10. Paightyn, Evie, Kadie and Anayah all scored 9.
In Y4MB, the postcard went to Caroline for being amazing and so special.
In Y4KB, Charlie received our postcard for his brilliant work yesterday in our geography lessons; reading map symbols and being able to identify them on a map extremely quickly!