This week in Y4

Make sure you go home and practice your times tables this weekend as we have our times tables tests next week!
This week in Y4:
In our writing sessions, we have started looking at subordinating conjunctions and modal verbs. We have looked at: what they are; different meanings and how we use them. We will use them to help persuade.
In maths, we have started recapping properties of shape. So far, we have looked at angles: what an angle is; different types of angles and how we order and compare them.
We have done lots of extra small maths sessions to help increase our speed in multiplication.
In RSHE, we have looked at how we can make our different communities fair: everyting from friendships all the way up to the world!
In our CLIC:
In Y4MB, Lottie, Hamza and Alice managed 12/12. Caroline, Tyler. Lydia and Mani all scored 10 or over.
In Y4 KB, Well done to Annabelle who scored 12/12! Caleb, Saoirse, Charlie, Noah, Anayah, Oakley and Tegan all scored 10 or over.
In our Beat That:
In Y4MB, all of these scored over 20: Khalid, Alice, Alexia, Jakob, Josh, Tyler, Aiman, Delan, Lily, Lexi-Mae, Lydia and Hamza. Lottie scored another brilliant 62. Caroline smashed a 73!
In Y4 KB, all of these children scored 20 or over: Saoirse, Tarika, Caleb, Noah, Namah, Naza, Oakley, Johnny and Tegan. Ronnie, Anayah, Zayn and Mariyah all scored their highest so far this year. Well done to Girum and Muhammad who scored 50 and 53. Brilliant!
Y4MB’s postcard went to Mani as he has shown some great reflecting in his learning.
In Y4KB, Muaz received our postcard for his excellent effort this week during our writing lessons. Well done Muaz!