Week 1 of Year 3!
The children have had such a brilliant start to the year! Mr Baines and Mr Barnes are so proud of how hard the children have worked, and we are super excited about the rest of the year...
Remember you only have until next Friday to bring in your summer reads sheet to earn your reading robot badge!
This week, the children produced some brilliant writing about our picture book 'The Midnight Fair' and were so curious in our history lesson learning about The Stone Age.
There are no scores for CLIC and Beat That this week because we went through the test as a class to prepare the children for completing these independently next week. All children have been given spellings to practice for next week, and they have all been sent home with a home learning sheet with different activities to complete at home.
Star of the week:
Y3KB: Ava- a brilliant helper around the classroom, such a hardworker and just a joy to have in the classroom. Well done Ava!
Y3SB: Shatw- had a brilliantly positive start and did lots of home reading too!
Y3KB: Levi - for answering questions, asking questions and working super hard this week. Well done Levi!
Y3SB: Junior - for some wonderful critical thinking and questioning this week!
We have also been practising our reading fluency in our Guided Reading sessions. Here are some pictures of the children performing their reading for the class: