Friday 24th May Learning superstars

Who has been a superstar this week?
In Y3SB, our Star of the Week goes to Finn this week, who has been absolutely amazing in all our lessons. He has put his hand up consistently and answered questions, whilst also trying to help others understand tricky topics.
Our postcard for Value Being Special goes to Mia this week - but it will be given in assembly first week back. She is just a fabulous member of the class that is always so happy, friendly and caring to her peers. We are so grateful you are in our class Mia!
Our CLIC scores were great this week too! We had full marks from Archie, Finn, Jessica, Louie, Mia, Narin and Reon. We also had personal best high scores from Esmae and Summer!
Our Beat That scores are slowly improving too. Bobby, Finn, Narin, Orlando and Reon all managed to get full marks this week. That is Orlando's first 24 - well done Orlando. Reon is also worth a BIG shutout as he has not dropped a mark on any of his Beat That or CLIC tests in the last 3 weeks - amazing Reon! Jessica also managed to get a high score too.
We are really trying to push our times tables knowledge this term and have had a few children pass their current times table they are learning. 9 children are on the rocket so far, let's see if we can get any more before the summer!
In Y3GH, our Star of the Week is Robyn. She is just an always child and we can always rely on her positivity and hardwork. Our learning principle postcard is for Darcie. She is another always child and should 'Value Being Special'. She has been even more helpful and reliable this week!
In our tests, 4 children improved their previous scores: Ivy, Thanos, Bryan and Oba! Well done! Aklil, Corey and Aseel successfully did double tests again and Corey beat his previous score too! In our CLIC tests, 10 children got full marks (even with a new question of adding and subtracting like fractions!) Great job to Amina, Aklil, Corey, Charlie, Maisie, Holly, Darcie, Robyn, Aseel and Ivy. Bayan, Noah, Oba and Muadh all matched or beat their previous score too. Well done to all of you! In our spelling tests last week, Muadh got 10/10. 8 children were 1 or 2 marks from full marks - well done Amina, Aklil, Kamari, Bryan, Maisie, Darcie, Aseel and Ivy.
We are having a real push on reading at home at the minute, and so many of the children are rising to the challenge! Most of the 10 children who have already earned their reading mileage badges read every week. This week, they are Amina, Aklil, Olly, Darcie, Robyn, Thanos, Muadh, Ellie May and Ivy. Bayan, Noah, Corey, Oliver, Naom, Bryan, Antoni, Holly and Aseel have also read. Naom, Bryan, Charlie and Holly are so close to 40 reads!