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  • Golden Time

    Published 20/09/24, by Lisa Howson

    In nursery we have Golden Time twice a day for following our Golden Rules. The Star of the Day chooses which fun activity the children will do. Here is what we have been doing this week....

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  • More New Starters

    Published 13/09/24, by Diane Fenton

    We have welcomed a few more new starters this week in Nursery. They have enjoyed meeting our other children and exploring all our activities.


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  • Welcome Back to Nursery

    Published 06/09/24, by Danielle Houghton

    We have been looking forward to welcoming back our nursery children and to meeting lots of new children! We are so proud of all the children and their grown ups for being so brave and happy to explore their new surroundings!

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  • Last day in nursery!

    Published 23/07/24, by Danielle Houghton

    Today was our last day at nursery and we had a great day. We ate party food and played party games in the hall. We had a lovely time together and lots of fun! We were sad to say goodbye to children who are moving up to F2 or going to other schools, but we know that you will be superstars! We also said goodbye to Mr Bond who is leaving Watercliffe Meadow and to Miss Beresford and Miss Stenton who are moving into F2. The nursery staff want to say thankyou for all your gifts, cards and kind words, it is truly appreciated and it has been lovely to teach your little ones this year. Have a lovely summer holiday! 

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  • Selfies

    Published 23/07/24, by Danielle Houghton

    Finley wanted to show everyone his fishing photos with his cousins and uncles. Finley caught the biggest fish! Wow well done Finley!  

    Poppy wanted to show everyone her photos as she went to London for her Mummy's birthday.

    We saw Buckingham Palace, Trafalgar Square, horse guard parade, London Eye, HMS Belfast, the Shard, tower of London, London Bridge, Tower Bridge, cenotaph, went on a boat on the Thames then went to Camden to see mummies favourite Amy Winehouse. 

    Then we saw my favourite the real life Elsa!! 

    I have been on lots of trains and some of them were underground. What a great experience Poppy!

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  • Nursery Seaside Day

    Published 21/07/24, by Danielle Houghton

    This week in nursery we had not 1 but 2 seaside days! We all wore our holiday clothes and had lots of fun playing with our friends, particularly with our brand-new water feature outside. We might have got a little bit wet, but the sunshine soon dried us off! We ate fish fingers and chips, ice cream and candy floss. It was yummy! We also performed our seaside songs and a dance for our grown-ups. Our teachers were so proud of how well we performed for such a big audience. Such lovely days for lovely children. 

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  • Wax Resist under the sea.

    Published 19/07/24, by Danielle Houghton

    This week in the nursery, the children have really enjoyed creating wax-resistant pictures of creatures that live under the sea. They have drawn lots of different sea creatures with oil pastels and painted over them using blue food colouring mixed with water. The children found it really fascinating watching the wax resist the paint.  The children drew sea creatures such as octopuses, jelly fish, fish and seaweed. Well done guys! Great job. 

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  • Our Beach

    Published 12/07/24, by Danielle Houghton

    Our children have really enjoyed playing in our very own beach and lots of other activities in nursery.

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  • Cleethorpes part 2

    Published 10/07/24, by Danielle Houghton

    More fun on the beach at Cleethorpes!

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  • Cleethorpes

    Published 10/07/24, by Danielle Houghton

    Today some of our oldest children visited Cleethorpes and we had the most amazing day! When we arrived, we sat in the Pier gardens and ate our chip shop food. It was yummy! We then went down to the beach and had fun playing while some of us rode on donkeys. The lady with the donkeys even said just how well-behaved we all were. She said she couldn't believe we were only 3 and 4 years old! After that we went and enjoyed an ice cream. Mmm it was tasty. Then it was time for the journey home. Our teachers were so proud of how amazing we were. What little super stars we are!

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  • Happy street track

    Published 05/07/24, by Danielle Houghton

    This week we have been making car tracks with the happy street track. We had lots of fun.

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  • Archie's holiday selfies

    Published 05/07/24, by Danielle Houghton

    Archie wanted to show everyone his holiday selfies from Corfu in Greece. He had a brilliant time and enjoyed travelling on an aeroplane! Wow Archie, what a lucky boy you are!

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