Spring 1 Newsletter
Welcome back to nursery for Spring 1! We have some exciting learning around our theme: Explorers. We will learn all about dinosaurs and African animals.
Please check in regularly to see what we've been up to and to keep updated.
You can always speak to us about any questions or concerns. You can also contact us by email on f1@watercliffe.sheffield.sch.uk
Welcome back to nursery for Spring 1! We have some exciting learning around our theme: Explorers. We will learn all about dinosaurs and African animals.
We have been very busy making animal enclosures for the jungle animals. We have used lots of mathematical language to talk about the size of the bricks. The children have worked well with their friends or on their own to make their enclosures.
This week was our Out to Play workshop. We talked about the importance of play and some of the ways that children play. The parents then got to spend time playing with their children in nursery which was lovely to see. Our raffle winners this week were Evie and Malia who got to choose a prize from Miss Houghton's box of toys and Ayah and Amir who won a £10 book voucher. Thank you to everyone who came. Next week's workshop is Time for Bed, we hope to see you there.
#WakeUpWednesday Squid Games is being talked about by many of children in school, right from Foundation Stage. Here is information you might need.
This week our children have been going on safari in our role play area. They have been using binoculars to spot tigers, elephants, monkeys, zebras and hippos.
Our second nursery workshop this week was It's Good to Talk. We had an input from Laura Murphy who is our school Speech and Language therapist, she gave us some top tips to help children with their talking, speech sounds and their listening and attention skills. The children then came into the hall and showed their grown ups what they do in a Stories for Talking session. They listened to the story Walking through the Jungle and then following instructions to give food to an animal. What super stars! Our raffle winners were Laila and Nyla who chose a prize out of Miss Houghton's box and Banw and Kenan who won a book voucher.
Next week's workshop is Out to Play, we hope you can join us!
On Monday Miss Page gave birth to her baby girl. She is called Ella Louise and she weighed 8lbs. Miss Page and Ella are doing well. All the nursery staff and children send lots of love and hugs to Miss Page and Ella.
We have been learning about dinosaurs in nursery this half term. We have really enjoyed being palaeontologists, using the tools carefully while exploring the dino dig eggs.
This week in nursery we have been exploring how to make lava in a fun experiment. We mixed bicarbonate of soda with vinegar mixed with red food colouring and then the fun began. It bubbled and erupted like a volcano. We loved watching what happened, and the children have requested that we make lava again next week as they enjoyed it so much! What fun we have in nursery!
On Wednesday we had our first We are Family workshop 'Food for Thought'. Parents spent time talking together about any issues they were having at home regarding their children eating. Then the children came through and tried lots of different healthy foods including fruit, vegetables, different dips, milkshake and smoothie. We had 4 raffle winners- Freddie and Asif won a prize out of Miss Houghton's box of toys and Kane and Sia won a £10 book token. Thank you so much to everyone who came, it was lovely to spend time with you. Hopefully we see more of you next week at our It's good to talk workshop.
This week we have welcomed some more new children. They have explored lots of different activities and settled really well.
What a fantastic experience our oldest nursery children had today. We had lots of different animals turn up at school for us to look at and handle. There was a giant snail, hissing cockroach, lizard, snake, gerbal, rabbit, meerkat, ferret and a skunk. The children sat so well to listen to the information and were so gentle at handling the animals. We were so proud of how brave they were! I may have gone a little snap happy with how many photos there are but they were all so lovely I couldn't narrow them down!
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