Friday Successes!
Here are the Friday scores and awards for this week in Y6! Remember, this is still only the second week on the Y6 CLIC test so scores will probably remain a little lower than they have been at the start of the year.
Spelling Y6KH - Full marks for Sienna, Serayah, Lola, Annirose, Alfie, Savannah, Jaylen, Blake and Elisia.
Spelling Y6MS - Full marks for Ayyub, Faizan, Ellie, Abigail, Alisha, Gulsoom, Millie, Lucas, Kane, Emir, Eldana, Muzamel, Rayyan, Ted and Amari.
CLIC Y6KH - 12 out of 12 for Annirose and Alfie. 10 or above for Elanur, Honey and Amatullah.
CLIC Y6MS - 12 out of 12 for No one! 10 or above for Ayyub, Zayna, Charlotte, Lucas, Kane, Emir, Muzamel, Rayyan and Ted.
Beat That Y6KH - 72 or above for Sienna, Serayah, Honey, Alfie and Blake.
Beat That Y6MS - 72 or above for Ayyub, Faizan, Charlotte, Daniel, Kane, Jaxton, Jonathan, Emir, Muzamel, Rayyan and Amari.
Y6KH - Value Being Special - Corbin. You are such a special member of the class who always does the right thing.
Y6MS - Learn Together - Ayyub and Lucas. You have learnt together so well this week! It has been lovely to see!
Star of the Week (chosen by the children):
Y6KH - Alfie
Y6MS - Ayyub and Ted
P.E. Star of the Week:
Archie! Well done!