Friday - successes!

Please enter an introduction for your blog post here.
CLIC Y6KH - 12 out of 12 for Harry, Ava, Max, Scarlett, Raniah, Sofia, Rebekah, Rizwan and Siraj. 10 or above for John-Paul, Yabsera and Grace.
CLIC Y6MS - 12 out of 12 for Halima, Logan B, Ali, Elijah, Masi, Reece, Harley, Isha, Tyreece, Bailey, Teigan, Riley, Frankie, Tyler, Harlon, Safia. 10 or above for Blair, Meryem, Atiba and Punyasree.
Beat That Y6KH - 72 or above for Rebekah.
Beat That Y6MS - 72 or above for Jacob, Elijah, Tyler, Bailey, Riley, Tyler, Atiba and Harlon.
Y6KH - Be positive - Yabsera
Y6MS - Make links - Riley
Star of the Week (chosen by the children):
Y6KH - Rizwan
Y6MS - Ruby
P.E. Star of the Week:
Rizwan - Well done!